Getting Started with HappyPaws
Create a digital haven for your pet with HappyPaws! Showcase their unique story, share their cutest moments, and keep them safe—all in a space built by pet lovers, for pet lovers.
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General Setup
1. Create a HappyPaws Account
First, go to HappyPaws registration page and create an account. It's free for up to 20 tokens per user. Each pet creation is 5 tokens. each photo added to a pet's profile is 2 tokens. you can remove an item to make sapce for more tokens.
Then on the left navbar create a new pet. You can use the following link:
Username: Choose an easy username as this will be your pet's url:
Full Name: Your pet's first name last name.
Pet's Dashboard
After creating a pet, you'll be redirected to the newly created pet's dashboard. If you have multiple pets, You can view all your pets from the navigation sidebar. Each pet has their own dashboard with detailed information and features, as most functionality is designed around individual pets rather than users.
1. Managing Pet Owners
For each pet, you can add siblings, partners, parents, or pet sitters as co-owners, provided they have a HappyPaws account. This eliminates the hassle of creating multiple profiles for the same pet.
As an owner, you'll receive notifications about your pet's updates and have the ability to manage your pet's page and other features.
Only the original owner can delete and edit other owners' information. The original owner cannot be removed from the list.
2. Managing Pet Notes
As a pet owner, you can set up reminders, appointments, and notes. This helps you track important events like grooming appointments, medication schedules, and weight monitoring.
For appointments or reminders, you'll receive a notification on the specified date.
We're planning significant enhancements to this feature in the next couple of releases, including a dedicated page hub!
- Create reminders that trigger notifications on specific dates for yourself or your pet.
- Schedule appointments with automatic notifications on the set date.
- Create and manage notes about your pet.
Pet's Information Forms
HappyPaws enables you to store all your pet's important information and data in one secure location. This not only helps you keep track of veterinary information and vaccinations but also aids in the quick return of lost pets.
Below, we've listed all the information forms available in the system. While the initial setup might take some time, having all your pet's information stored in one place will prove invaluable.
- Basic Information - [Pet Name, Species, Breed, Color/Markings, Birth Date, Weight (kg), Microchip Number, Description]
- Veterinary Information - [Veterinarian Name, Phone Number, Clinic Email, Clinic Address, Last Visit Date, Next Scheduled Visit]
- Medical Information - [Known Allergies, Medical Conditions, Medications, Vaccinations]
- Diet Information - [Food Type, Brand, Feeding Schedule, Dietary Restrictions, Treats, Water Intake, Special Instructions]
- Emergency Contacts - [Primary Emergency Contact [Contact Name, Relationship, Phone Number, Email, Address], Backup Emergency Contact [Contact Name, Relationship, Phone Number, Email, Address], Emergency Care Information [Preferred Emergency Clinic, Emergency Care Instructions], Pet Insurance Information [Insurance Provider, Policy Number, Insurance Website]]
- Documents - [File, Document Name, Document Type, Description, Send Doc to Vet, Download]
Pet's Profile Page
Access your pet's edit page through the dashboard under the total view card. Here you can manage your pet's images that will display in their profile, similar to a mini Instagram feed.
You can toggle which pet information sections you'd like to display.
Depending on your template, you can add background images, different text colors, Spotify media players, etc. We continuously update both free and paid templates with new features. If your pet has multiple owners, you can track updates by clicking the history button on the top right, which shows all changes made to your pet's profile.